Jetpack Compose: How to Correctly Force Recompose when MutableStateOf Object is Changed from ViewModel?
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Jetpack Compose: How to Correctly Force Recompose when MutableStateOf Object is Changed from ViewModel?

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Are you tired of scratching your head, wondering why your Composable function isn’t updating when you change your MutableStateOf object from your ViewModel? Worry no more! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of Jetpack Compose and explore the best practices for forcing recomposition when your mutable state changes.

Understanding MutableStateOf and ViewModel

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a step back and understand the basics of MutableStateOf and ViewModel in Jetpack Compose.

MutableStateOf is a type of state holder in Compose that allows you to store and observe a value. When the value changes, Compose will automatically recompose the UI to reflect the new state.

ViewModel, on the other hand, is a part of the Android Architecture Component that helps you manage your app’s UI-related data in a lifecycle-aware way. It’s a great way to separate your business logic from your UI logic and make your code more modular and reusable.

The Problem: MutableStateOf Not Updating

So, why does your MutableStateOf object not update when you change it from your ViewModel? The reason is that Compose only checks for changes in the reference of the MutableStateOf object, not the internal state of the object.

For example, if you have a MutableStateOf object like this:

val myState = mutableStateOf(MyObject())

And you change the internal state of MyObject like this:

myState.value.myProperty = "New Value"

Compose won’t detect the change and won’t recompose the UI. This is because the reference of the MutableStateOf object hasn’t changed, only the internal state of the object.

Solution: Force Recompose with MutableStateOf

So, how do you force Compose to recompose when your MutableStateOf object changes? There are a few ways to do it:

1. Use mutableStateOf { }

One way to force recompose is to use the mutableStateOf { } delegate. This delegate allows you to create a new instance of the MutableStateOf object whenever the internal state changes.

val myState = mutableStateOf { MyObject() }

In this example, whenever you change the internal state of MyObject, a new instance of MyObject will be created, and Compose will detect the change and recompose the UI.

2. Use mutableStateListOf { }

Another way to force recompose is to use the mutableStateListOf { } delegate. This delegate is similar to mutableStateOf { }, but it’s used for lists.

val myList = mutableStateListOf()

In this example, whenever you add or remove an item from the list, a new instance of the list will be created, and Compose will detect the change and recompose the UI.

3. Use viewModelScope.launch { }

Another way to force recompose is to use the viewModelScope.launch { } coroutine builder. This builder allows you to run a coroutine in the scope of the ViewModel.

viewModelScope.launch {
    myState.value.myProperty = "New Value"
    myState.value = myState.value // Force recompose

In this example, whenever you change the internal state of MyObject, the coroutine will update the MutableStateOf object and force Compose to recompose the UI.

Best Practices for Forcing Recompose

Now that we’ve explored the different ways to force recompose, let’s talk about some best practices to keep in mind:

1. Keep Your MutableStateOf Objects Simple

Try to keep your MutableStateOf objects simple and atomic. Avoid storing complex objects or lists in your MutableStateOf objects, as this can lead to performance issues and make it harder to detect changes.

2. Use immutable Data Classes

Use immutable data classes for your MutableStateOf objects. This ensures that whenever you change the internal state of the object, a new instance is created, and Compose can detect the change.

3. Avoid Using var for MutableStateOf Objects

Avoid using var for your MutableStateOf objects, as this can lead to unexpected behavior. Instead, use val and reassign the MutableStateOf object whenever you need to update it.

4. Use viewModelScope.launch { } for Complex Updates

Use viewModelScope.launch { } for complex updates that involve multiple changes to your MutableStateOf objects. This ensures that all changes are atomic and happen in a single transaction.


In this article, we’ve explored the world of Jetpack Compose and learned how to correctly force recompose when your MutableStateOf object changes from your ViewModel. We’ve covered the different ways to force recompose, including using mutableStateOf { }, mutableStateListOf { }, and viewModelScope.launch { }. We’ve also discussed some best practices to keep in mind when working with MutableStateOf objects.

By following these guidelines, you’ll be able to create robust and efficient Compose applications that update seamlessly whenever your state changes.

Method Description
mutableStateOf { } Creates a new instance of the MutableStateOf object whenever the internal state changes.
mutableStateListOf { } Creates a new instance of the list whenever an item is added or removed.
viewModelScope.launch { } Runs a coroutine in the scope of the ViewModel and forces recompose when the internal state changes.
  1. Use mutableStateOf { } or mutableStateListOf { } for simple updates.
  2. Use viewModelScope.launch { } for complex updates that involve multiple changes.
  3. Keep your MutableStateOf objects simple and atomic.
  4. Use immutable data classes for your MutableStateOf objects.
  5. Avoid using var for MutableStateOf objects.

Frequently Asked Question

When working with Jetpack Compose, it’s not uncommon to encounter issues with recomposition when using mutableStateOf objects in your ViewModel. Here are some answers to frequently asked questions on how to force recompose when a mutableStateOf object is changed from a ViewModel:

Why doesn’t my UI recompose when I update the mutableStateOf object in my ViewModel?

This is a common issue due to the way Jetpack Compose handles recomposition. When you update a mutableStateOf object in your ViewModel, it doesn’t automatically trigger a recomposition of your UI. You need to use a State object instead, which is observable and will trigger a recomposition when its value changes.

How do I use a State object to trigger recomposition?

You can use the ` mutableStateOf` delegate to create a `State` object in your ViewModel. Then, in your composable function, use the `observeAsState` function to observe the `State` object and trigger a recomposition when its value changes.

What is the difference between mutableStateOf and State?

`mutableStateOf` is a delegate that creates a mutable state object, whereas `State` is an observable state object. `State` is designed to work with Jetpack Compose’s recomposition mechanism, whereas `mutableStateOf` is not.

Can I use LiveData with mutableStateOf to trigger recomposition?

Yes, you can use LiveData with mutableStateOf to trigger recomposition. However, this approach is not recommended as it adds unnecessary complexity. Instead, use the `observeAsState` function to observe the `State` object and trigger a recomposition when its value changes.

How do I handle concurrent updates to a mutableStateOf object?

To handle concurrent updates to a mutableStateOf object, use the `synchronized` keyword to ensure that only one thread can update the object at a time. Alternatively, use an atomic data structure, such as `AtomicInteger`, to update the object in a thread-safe manner.