Limiting the Number of Logs in a Blob File in Azure Functions: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Dantina -

Limiting the Number of Logs in a Blob File in Azure Functions: A Step-by-Step Guide

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As an Azure Functions developer, you’re no stranger to the wonders of logging. But, have you ever found yourself drowning in a sea of logs, struggling to make sense of it all? The saying goes, “too much of a good thing can be a bad thing.” And that’s especially true when it comes to logging in Azure Functions. Luckily, we’ve got a solution for you! In this article, we’ll explore how to limit the number of logs in a blob file in Azure Functions, and why it’s essential for efficient log management.

The Problem with Unbounded Logging

Before we dive into the solution, let’s talk about the problem. By default, Azure Functions logs are stored in a blob file, which can grow indefinitely. While it’s great to have a detailed record of your function’s activities, an unbounded log file can lead to:

  • Bloated Storage Costs: As the log file grows, so does your Azure storage bill. Ouch!
  • Performance Issues: Large log files can slow down your function’s performance and even cause timeouts.
  • Debugging Nightmares: Finding the needle in a haystack becomes an epic quest when dealing with an enormous log file.

The Solution: Configuring Log Limitations

Fear not, dear developer! Azure Functions provides a way to limit the number of logs in a blob file. We’ll explore two approaches: using the MaxFiles and MaxBytes settings.

Method 1: Limiting by Number of Files (MaxFiles)

By default, Azure Functions stores logs in a single blob file. With MaxFiles, you can specify the maximum number of log files to keep. This is particularly useful when you want to maintain a fixed number of log files, regardless of their size.

  "version": "2.0",
  "logging": {
    "blob": {
      "maxFiles": 10,
      "folder": "logs"

In the above example, Azure Functions will maintain a maximum of 10 log files in the “logs” folder. When the 11th file is created, the oldest file will be deleted.

Method 2: Limiting by File Size (MaxBytes)

Sometimes, you might want to limit the log file size rather than the number of files. MaxBytes comes to the rescue! This setting allows you to specify the maximum size of each log file in bytes.

  "version": "2.0",
  "logging": {
    "blob": {
      "maxBytes": 1048576, // 1MB
      "folder": "logs"

In this example, each log file will be limited to 1MB in size. When the file reaches the maximum size, a new file will be created, and the old one will be kept for a maximum of 10 files (default setting).

Combining MaxFiles and MaxBytes

What if you want to limit both the number of files and the file size? You can combine MaxFiles and MaxBytes to achieve this! Azure Functions will enforce both limits, ensuring you get the best of both worlds.

  "version": "2.0",
  "logging": {
    "blob": {
      "maxFiles": 10,
      "maxBytes": 1048576, // 1MB
      "folder": "logs"

In this scenario, Azure Functions will maintain a maximum of 10 log files, with each file limited to 1MB in size.

Tips and Considerations

Before we conclude, here are some essential tips and considerations to keep in mind when limiting logs in a blob file:

  • RetentionPolicy: Make sure to set a retention policy for your log files to ensure they’re deleted after a certain period. You can do this using Azure Storage’s built-in retention policies.
  • Monitoring and Alerting: Set up monitoring and alerting for your logs to detect potential issues before they become critical.
  • Log Rotation: Consider implementing log rotation to split logs into smaller, more manageable files. This can help with performance and debugging.
  • Log Filtering: Filter out unnecessary logs to reduce the overall log volume. This can be done using Azure Functions’ built-in filtering capabilities or third-party libraries.


Limiting the number of logs in a blob file in Azure Functions is crucial for efficient log management. By using MaxFiles and MaxBytes, you can ensure your log files remain manageable, reducing storage costs, improving performance, and making debugging a breeze. Remember to combine these settings with log rotation, filtering, and monitoring to create a robust logging strategy.

Setting Description
MaxFiles Specifies the maximum number of log files to keep.
MaxBytes Specifies the maximum size of each log file in bytes.

With these tips and techniques, you’ll be well on your way to taming the logging beast in Azure Functions. Happy coding!

Here is the response:

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the inside scoop on limiting the number of logs in a blob file in Azure Functions log to Blob Storage!

How do I limit the number of logs in a blob file in Azure Functions log to Blob Storage?

You can limit the number of logs in a blob file by setting the `maxBlockBlobBytes` and `maxBlobSizeBytes` properties in the Azure Functions `host.json` file. For example, you can set `maxBlockBlobBytes` to 50MB and `maxBlobSizeBytes` to 100MB to limit the blob file size to 100MB and block blob size to 50MB.

What happens when the blob file reaches the maximum size limit?

When the blob file reaches the maximum size limit, Azure Functions will automatically create a new blob file and start writing logs to it. This process is called “blob rotation”. You can also configure the `blobFileName` property to include a timestamp or other variable to create a new blob file at regular intervals.

Can I configure the log file naming convention in Azure Functions?

Yes, you can configure the log file naming convention by setting the `blobFileName` property in the Azure Functions `host.json` file. For example, you can set `blobFileName` to `”{functionName}-{timestamp:yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss}.log”` to include the function name and timestamp in the log file name.

How do I monitor the blob file size and log file count in Azure Functions?

You can monitor the blob file size and log file count using Azure Storage Explorer, Azure Monitor, or Azure Functions Analytics. These tools provide insights into the log file size, count, and other metadata, helping you optimize your logging configuration.

Are there any trade-offs when limiting the number of logs in a blob file?

Yes, limiting the number of logs in a blob file can impact the performance and latency of your Azure Functions application. With a smaller blob file size, you may experience more frequent blob rotations, which can increase the overhead of logging and storage operations. Conversely, a larger blob file size can lead to slower logging performance and increased storage costs.

I hope this helps!

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